seize the day...

[Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero.]
Seize the day, put no trust in the morrow!

the first time aku dengar quotation dari bahasa Latin ini adalah dalam filem Dead Poets' Society: CARPE DIEM. "Seize the day!"...dimana Robin Williams menasihatkan studentsnya supaya mengambil segala peluang yang ada pada waktu itu juga...

benar juga...kenapa kita selalu bertangguh...

Carpe Diem! Seize this moment of the sunrise and sunset, for tomorrow there may not be another moment to seize.

The point is :

jika mahu katakan sesuatu, katakan
jika mahu lakukan sesuatu, lakukan
jika mahu dapatkan sesuatu, dapatkan
sebelum terlambat dan kita menyesalinya sepanjang hidup

aku letakkan beberapa quotations yang relevan dengan idea 'seize the day'

Whether it's the best of times or the worst of times, it's the only time we've got. ~Art Buchwald

If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting?
~Stephen Levine

The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and for deeds left undone.
~Harriet Beecher Stowe

Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.
~Sydney J. Harris

Present your family and friends with their eulogies now - they won't be able to hear how much you love them and appreciate them from inside the coffin. ~Anonymous

Tis better to buy a small bouquet and give to your friends this very day
than a bushel of roses white and red, to lay on his coffin after he's dead

aku...seize the day...kerana esok mungkin sudah terlambat...


  1. gua sudah puas menjadi yang terlewat..tak mahu lagi

  2. cuba tambah sedikit gula dalam cofee..
    mesti terasa manisnya walaupun sedikit.

    jangan risau,bos besar ada kat sini,
    orang lain tak berani nak strike back!!
    x nak join empire kitaorang??

  3. tapi kalau patung join, die nak buat ape adam? die pun tanak kot.

  4. exactly...totally true mdam..cant agree more on diz post..;p

  5. esok akan selalu ada cendana.

  6. re : untuk apa kamu hidup hari ini kalau bukan untuk harapan hari esok. esok akan selalu ada untuk kita semua cendana. jangan putus untuk berharap. jangan letak diri kamu di penghujung jalan mati. terus hidup cendana!

  7. aku stuju apa yg dpekatakan....

  8. am the greatest procrastinator,you know? haha

  9. lu mmg bijak berkata la..lecturer tu beb...hahahaha..

    kumpulan Dloyd? wow sempat...
    usahkan Dloyd, S.M Salim pun boleh layan... byk lagi la..

  10. kalau patung nak join
    kita bagi tugas marketing la nurul,
    jadi model kita ke,
    ha,takpun dia jadi sponsor kita
    sponsor modal banyak-banyak!
    boleh tak patung???hahah

  11. denga "seize the day" by Avenged Sevenfold.

    "Seize the day,
    or die regretting the time you lost"

  12. re addyaholix : what if there is no 2mrow?

    live for the day.

  13. taubatlah kamu sblum pint2 taubah masih terbuka


