ECTOLIFE ... TECHNOLOGICAL DYSTOPIA .... welcome to planet earth everyone


*We'll grow your baby in a germ free and LOVE FREE environment...

*I'll have a nice strong little Princess Leia ... LOL

Thank you Mr Brand. Informative and entertaining, as always.


FACE IT ALONE ... when the moon has lost its glow

 Queen's new single ... who would have guessed.

This is from one of their unreleased tracks for their The Miracle album back in 1988. It was originally recorded for the album but did not make the final album cut. 

The song has a dramatic beginning with Roger's base drum, followed by a melancholy guitar solo, and Freddie's voice... so hauntingly beautiful and full of emotions.

It's beautiful and so so sad, it hits you straight in the gut.

Have a listen.

After all these years, it's so good to hear all four of them playing together. I miss Queen.

SUCCULENTS ... and the rainy season

Salam and good day

These are some succulents that I planted (more like transferred) into my small front yard recently. 

I planted them in mid September. Then I realised, mid September is not the best time to plant succulents in the yard, because it was so close to the rainy season.


Well, it is October now and the rain has already started, and will get wetter come November and December. I hope they will survive the monsoon. If not, I will have to replant them, after the rain, probably in February or March.

We'll just have to wait and see. 



mega weaverbird nest

kalau tidak ada - berada, takkan tempua bersarang rendah
(malay proverb)

err ... the road not taken?


 Salam and good day,

more pics from Teruntum Zoo, aka Kuantan Mini Zoo.

walking the dinosaurs

hello Bambi

hello Kong

Blast from the past - Walk The Dinosaur (Was (Not Was) courtesy of youtube

more to come ... 

THE HYBRID THEORY ... Kuantan Mini Zoo

 Salam and good day

Visited our upgraded Mini Zoo yesterday with my grandson. Pleasantly surprised,I must say.

Apparently, it's the first hybrid zoo in Malaysia. Hybrid in that it combines both live animals and replicas of pre historic predators. Worth a visit. I'm just going to post pictures of the Mini Zoo... in mini packages. 


in Middle Earth now ... The Hobbit house

close encounter of the third kind

blast from the past

more pics in the next instalment of The Hybrid Zoo.


Salam and good day. 
In the midst of all the excitement in trying to catch a glimpse of comet C2017 K2, I will  share with you one of my favourite poems, written by the late Usman Awang aka Tongkat Warrant. Not  a comet, but stellar all the same..

Tongkat Warrant image from google 

Dari Bintang Ke Bintang

Ketika mata saling menyapa senyum berbunga 
Tasik hati mu mencecah jiwaku mesra

Betapa debar dada kurnia alam kasih bertakhta
Kau datang tanpa suara, menjamahku tanpa sabda

Subur laksana ladang petani di lereng gunung
Ranum menguntum dalam wujud rasa maha agung
Mata yang memberi hati ini penuh menanti
Kureguk kasih menghadapi hidup seluruh berani

Kini kulihat kepalamu tersandar di jinjang pelamin
Rambutmu tersanggul terandam mengilau di cahaya lilin
Gemersik kainmu membisikkan bahagia malam pengantin
Melimpah tumpah bahagia dalam tawa teman keliling

Ketika malam kulihat matamu pada bintang
Senyummu melambai di gemilang sinar bulan
Dari bintang ke bintang kunantikan lagumu
Hanya kerdipan dalam bisu suara hatiku bimbang

Jika aku berdiri di muka jendela hati terluka
Bulan sedang mengintai di balik awan kusapa
Angin yang datang dari pelaminmu kutanya
Ia bisa mengabarkan saat adinda sedang bahagia

Lari gadis menyembah ke tanah
diiringi sendu menggoncang bahu
tenang pahlawan dipeluk bumi
senyum terakhir tenang tersembunyi. 

Al-Fatihah untuk Allahyarham.


 These are not the refugees we are used to... These people are Europeans. These people are intelligent, they are educated people... This is not the refugee wave we have been used to, people we were not sure about their identity, people with unclear pasts, who could have been even terrorists ...

Bulgarian Prime Minister, Kirril Petkov

These are prosperous, middle class people. These are not obviously refugees trying to get away from areas in the Middle East ... in North Africa. They look like any European family that you would live next door to ... 

Al Jazeera English, Television presenter

This isn't a place, with all due respect, like Iraq or Afghanistan that has seen conflict raging for decades. This is a relatively civilised, relatively European - I have to choose those words carefully too - city where you wouldn't expect that, or hope it's going to happen.

Charlie D'Agata, CBS News senior correspondent

[Ukranian refugees] are prosperous, middle class people. These are obviously not refugees trying to get away from areas in the Middle East that are still in a big state of war.These are not people trying to get away from areas in North Africa. They look like any European family that you would live next door to.

Peter Dobbie, Al Jazeera English, anchor

Some European commentators on Western Media have described Ukrainian refugees as being 'civilised', 'middle-class' and 'prosperous' and different from those from 'third world nations'.


and if that's not enough, 

The New York Times reported that non-white people fleeing Ukraine were being blocked from leaving, in favour of white Ukrainians.

Wow. The blatant doubIe standard and racism makes me sick. 

don't mean to be negative, but 


I feel for refugees from Asia and Africa, I really do.

This makes it very difficult for me to feel any sympathy for Ukrainians.







  Salam and good day.  It's the end of July/ early August, and my tuberose is blooming. Go figure. Despite its name, tuberose is not act...