STARRY NIGHT .... a kind of magic

Salam and good day.
Its nearly the middle of December, and the weather is still unseasonably warm... with the occasional rain once or twice a week, except for the wind... which is common during this monsoon season. The Northeast wind which usually announces its arrival with the rain knocking at our doorsteps seems to have misplaced its companion somewhere along its journey towards the Southwest. But I have no doubt that the rain will come eventually... hopefully not with a vengeance.

Tonight is a particularly windy night. The air is chilly and the sky is overcast... with the promise of rain. Tonight,,, there are no stars to be seen ... but that,s okay, because last night has more than made up for tonight's lack of twinkle,

Last night... the sky was beautiful... clear... cloudless ... covered with stars... scattered with constellations... I'm quite sure I saw Orion there... and some other constellations which I do not recognize. Seeing diamonds in the sky and being visited by Orion was cosmic but what was even more awe inspiring was that i saw a shooting star... twice..

I have never seen a shooting star before .... so imagine how shocked I was when i suddenly saw a streak of light disappearing behind my roof. My first thought was... I must be a plane... but planes have blinking lights... then I thought maybe it was the remnant of a firework... but i didn't hear any firework sounds. so.. I gazed up into the sky... contemplating on whether that was a shooting star I just saw, at the same time, mesmerized by the three stars forming Orion's belt... when suddenly another streak of light appeared across the sky. WOW!!!... So... it was a shooting star that I saw. It was divinely majestic. It was awe inspiring. It lifted my spirits... I could actually physically feel my spirits being lifted higher... I felt hopeful all of a sudden. That was the most wonderful thing I have ever seen in my entire life... well... actually, that was the second most wonderful thing I have ever seen. The first? I will tell you about it... in the next post... really I will... i just can't promise when.

Eh?... what was the question again? What was I doing outside at nearly eleven o'clock at night?  Oh... it was my grandson... he said he felt hot and sweaty so... he wanted to wash his body... translated... he wants to run around splashing water all over the place ... though he did stood beside me... gazing up into the sky... saying... I love the stars ... before continuing his spree... and I chose not to burden his three year old mind with philosophy at that moment.

It's funny how a streak in the sky which lasted not more than two seconds made me feel hopeful.

ps: sorry this post is a bit wordy. Too sleepy to upload pics ... :-D
anyway ... this is what I need...


THE BOOK OF LIFE - chapter 49

salam and good day,

2015 membawa saya ke chapter 49. Sudah 3 tahun saya bergelar nenek... :-D .Tak banyak yang berlaku...kehidupan agak sibuk dengan kerja, dengan cucu dan sekali sekala saya memetik gitar... memetik gitar selalu membuat saya tenang....seringkali saya terkenangkan arwah abang sayaa yang mengajar saya bermain gitar waktu umur saya belasan tahun dulu... sudah 16 tahun dia pergi ... dan tahun ini juga merupakan tahun ke 20 arwah suami saya meninggal... selama itu jugalah saya menjalani hidup sebagai single parent. .. such is life,,

Saya teringat pada 21. 10.2015... hampir sebulan yang lalu... saya mendapat wechat dari anak sulong saya, katanya... mama, its 21.10 2015. This is the day Marty Mcfly and Doc came to the future... referring kepada cerita Back to the future 2. Wow... saya masih ingat pertama kali menonton filem Back to the future pada tahun 80an...  waktu itu 2015 terasa sangat jauh... Namun sekarang kita sudah sampai ke tahun 2015... bersama Marty mcfly dan kawan baiknya Doc. Ada juga yg agak tepat gambarannya... seperti LCD screen dan phone yang menggunakan touch screen cuma... hoverboard saja masih belum ada... LOL

Abad ke 21 memang merupakan abad information technology. Dengan berbagai2 technology yang muncul... dunia menjadi semakin kecil dan hanya dengan memetik keyboard.. kehidupan peribadi kita boleh d ketahui umum. Privacy is a thing of the past... soooo... last century...

Namun, bagi golongan seperti saya, yang sudah menghampiri angka separuh abad, privacy adalah sesuatu yang amat berharga ... saya telah menjalani kehidupan yang agak mencabar... I have made mistakes, and I survived... maybe even learned from my mistakes. dan biarlah itu semua kekal menjadi rahsia hidup saya.... bukannya saya ingin merahsiakan dari umum... cuma saya ingin menyimpannya untuk diri sendiri saja... tak mengapa kan?

Mungkin juga, sekarang sudah tiba masanya untuk saya menilai semula impian2 yang dulu saya anggap sebagai mustahil. sudah tiba masanya untuk saya mengambil langkah untuk merealisasikan all my impossible dreams... or at least some of them... :-D

ini... lagu tema filem Back to the future... enjoy...


Salam and Good Day...

Maaflah... tajuk tak berapa relevan dengan isi... tapi sebab saya suka 'alliteration' nya... maka saya letak la... lagi pun tajuk diatas lebih menarik dari Tajuk... Pesta Buku Pahang 2015 kan?

Sebanarnya saya cuma mahu promotekan Pesta Buku Pahang 2015 yang berlangsung di Kuantan Parade. Masih ada satu hari lagi... sesiapa yang mahu pergi masih boleh. 

Agak lengang suasana di pesta buku ini.... mungkin kerana kurang publisiti atau mungkin minat membaca sudah kurang dikalangan warga Pahang... 

Saya pergi  untuk memberi sokongan kepada sahabat lama... Aloy Paradoks... di booth Selut Press. 

antara buku2 yang dijual

kebetulan pula waktu saya disana... terserempak dengan dua lagi sahabat iaitu... Abdullah jones dan Acai... kedua2nya dari Rajawali Art Gallery...

selfie kami berempat... macam rockband kata Pendita Jiwa ... lol

 Tak sangka pula Aloy rupa2nya sudah bertaraf celebrity sekarang. Walaupun saya tak sempat tonton dia dalam Drama Bersiri... Teman Lelaki Upahan... saya yakin lakunan dia pasti lebih hebat dari pelakun utama... hehe... 

ps... sebab itu awal2 lagi saya sudah minta dia tandatangan buku dia yang saya beli... :-D


Al fatihah buat allahyarham Harun Salim Bachik. Semoga ditempatkan dikalangan orang2 yang beriman. Terima kasih kerana menceriakan hidup saya. Tears...

Ini drama yang membuatkan saya meminati allahyarham ... Cikgu Limau Kasturi. 
