Dentist???...scary!!!..itu lah orang punya perception tentang dentist. Some would rather get hit by a train than face the dentist…aku pun sama.
Tapi…setelah minda aku berdebat dengan emosi selama beberapa hari, akhirnya minda menang…surprised juga aku…sebab selalunya my mind would not stand a chance against my emotion…well, aku putuskan, minda berjaya mengatasi emosi kali ini dengan logic yang tak boleh aku sangkal…the only person standing between you and the end of toothache is you!!! Huh…tak terbidas emosi…
aku pun buat appointment dengan dentist aku…Saturday…9am… kalau dah buat appointment tu…terpaksalah beranikan diri untuk pergi…huhuhu.
The image that came to my mind was not pretty…aku terbayang watak dalam
Texas Chainsaw Massacre…aku imagine dentist tu pegang chainsaw…
imaginasi aku memang suka buat kerja overtime...itulah akibat terlalu banyak baca buku
Stephen actual fact, the dentist was a very pretty Indian lady.
anyway…Aku pergi untuk buat
root canal treatment…RCT short form nya…agak complicated untuk aku ceritakan… but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be…
aku hampir tergelak bila dentist tu berkata…’this is going to hurt a bit’…
typical…kata hati aku…doctors memang suka buat understatement macam tu…
maybe that’s one of the things they teach in medical school…you know…
these are some of the phrases you might want to use before you start inflicting pain on your patients…
# 1… this might hurt a bit…
# 2…saya akan curahkan iodine atas luka ni…tahan sikit ok makcik…
kedua2nya bermaksud ‘this will bloody well hurt…so bear with it’…and it did hurt…for like..2 seconds…hehehe...the rest was a breeze…
dari mana datangnya perception ini?
Of course dari masyarakat sekeliling dan mungkin juga dari pengalaman2 lepas. Kesian dentists…mereka diibaratkan seperti evil monsters sedangkan mereka sama saja dengan medical practioners yang lain. Most probably, kalau diberi pilihan between going to the dentist and having an appendix operation, ramai yang akan memilih operation…
True…you’re unconscious and you wouldn’t know what went on…whereas you could actually hear and feel the dentist pulling out your tooth or drilling into your roots…
but you could die on the operating table…you’re unconscious, there’s a whole lot of blood coming out of your body…you might never wake up…still it’s preferable to being on the dentist’s chair…go figure.
A change of paradigm is called for…break away from the common perception. Seperti kata seorang sahabat…kita perlu keluar dari kepompong pemikiran .
Jangan bayangkan the worst case scenario tiap kali terpaksa berdepan dengan situasi yang tidak menyenangkan… we won’t know what it’s like or how something will be until we actually face it…ikut la Khalid al Walid…belum cuba belum kalah.
Maka, kita perlu berani mencuba…be proactive…take control of your own destiny…mungkin the outcome bukan seteruk yang kita bayangkan…jangan biarkan hidup kita sentiasa dihantui oleh perkataan ‘what if’...
Or you can start practise
menggigit jari...huhuhu…
aku ; to get rid of our fear, we have to face it…twice.