a matter of perception

ada 3 tag yang aku belum jawab...aku akan jawab satu2 ok...nanti merajuk pulak mereka2 ni...tak terpujuk aku...patience my friends...in time semua akan dijawab...

  • Tangkap @ sertakan 3 keping gambar anda yang anda rasakan paling seksi.
    Tak semestinya tak berpakaian atau mendedahkan. Mungkin anda rasa senyuman anda masa itu adalah seksi. Sertakan!

  • Nyatakan kenapa gambar itu begitu seksi di mata anda?

  • Tag 5 rakan-rakan anda yang seksi.

seksi...sebab aku pakai shades...

seksi sebab aku pakai cap...

seksi sebab aku pakai baju kurung...

lupa pulak...aku tag semua yang aku link kan dalam blog aku...yang bukan warga atau bekas warga UMP....hehehe...yes....you.you.you.you.and you...

Selamat berseksi.

tasik indah yang beracun

di penghujung musim hujan yang dingin, di tengah belantara, dikelilingi tanah yang subur...aku terdengar ... suara yang biasa aku dengar namun tidak dapat mencari puncanya. bagai dalam mimpi, suara itu datang bila aku sendirian...

tiba2 aku ternampak ...ukiran seorang perempuan, rambut yang panjang mengurai, diselimuti kain merah, berdiri kaku. aku melihat wajahnya, juga kaku, tanpa ekspressi, hanya dibasahi limpahan air yang muncul dari matanya yang hitam.

ya...limpahan airmata yang dipenuhi kesedihan, ketakutan, kebencian, dendam, patah hati, kecewa, kesal, semua menjadi racun yang mengalir dan bertakung sebagai sebuah tasik yang sangat indah. airnya yang biru bagaikan permata di tengah2 belantara hijau, jernih, bercahaya di bawah sinar suria.

namun tasik itu kosong. tiada hidupan yang mampu hidup didalamnya, tiada tumbuhan yang boleh tumbuh dipinggirnya. ia tak akan menjadi sumber minuman kepada hidupan hutan atau pun tempat anak2 bermain...

kenapa tiada hidupan yang boleh hidup didalam tasik itu, tiada anak2 datang memancing dipinggirnya, dan kenapa ia tidak boleh kering...apakah tasik itu hanya ada untuk menjadi beban kepada dunia....

semakin hari, air tasik semakin dalam kerana sang patung tidak mampu menahan aliran airmatanya...dan dia tahu, satu hari dia akan lemas didalam tasiknya sendiri...

mungkinkah keadaan akan berlainan jika airmatanya dititiskan untuk orang lain...

still going strong...Obsessi Sungai Lembing...

aku takde mood nak tulis panjang2...aku takde mood nak menulis...fullstop. rasa macam nak bunuh orang ada la...so...sebelum aku jadi psycopath...lebih baik aku update blog...much safer for everyone...huhuhu...

gambar2 masa kita orang pergi ke Sg Lembing last friday...23.01.09. ini pun trip yang kami tak plan...cuma...kami semua takde class hari tu...

gambar asal usul Sg Lembing...kisahnya berkisar pada sekumpulan pemburu di satu kawasan hutan yang telah melontar sebatang lembing pada seekor kijang. dalam usaha menyelamatkan diri, kijang tersebut telah terjun ke dalam sungai bersama2 lembing yang tercacak di badannya.

this time kami ke bahagian sungai lembing yang belum kami jelajahi...ie: muka lombong...

salah satu muka lombong...ie: jalan masuk ke lombong bawah tanah...rasa aku ada tujuh atau lapan level, lebih kurang 1.5 batu dalamnya.

cactus (berdiri), khalis, alif ba ta, organik dan remedy
atas tangga yang menuju ke muka lombong...yup...muka lombong tu kat atas bukit...

masih di muka lombong...aku...dengan payung dan name tag UMP...promote UMP...huhuhu...dimana bumi dipijak...

muzeum Sg Lembing...this time kita orang masuk...reka bentuk dalaman yang menarik...ala2 masuk lombong ... at least tahu la serba sedikit sejarah perlombongan kat sini...

aku...kata takde mood nak tulis, tapi tulis berjela2 gak...tak faham...

wanita cantik...curang?????

ni hotchat yang aku dengar petang semalam, on the way balik dari Sg Lembing bersama Organik, Alif Ba Ta, Cactus, Remedy dan Khalis...yes...kami ke sg lembing lagi, nanti aku updatekan pasal tu.

so...driving back to UMP, kami dengar hotfm...tajuk hot chat kita hari ini ialah...WANITA CANTIK...CURANG.

WHAT!!!!!!!!!!...kata aku

Eh,,,madam terasa ke...kata organik

Terasa?...I ni cantik ke...hahaha...balas aku...perasan kejap

reaksi mereka.....oooops!!!!!... memang propa

anyway, kami sempat mendengar 4 orang pemanggil, 1 lelaki dan 3 perempuan. Rata2 mereka semua setuju dengan kenyataan itu...rasional mereka....

perempuan cantik ada lebih banyak pilihan...kalau dah banyak pilihan tu, lebih senang untuk curang.....

aku terus boink...

komen budak2 lelaki dlm kereta aku...ala madam, perempuan2 yang call tu mesti semua tak cantik, sebab tu dia orang cakap macam tu...

aku down terus ...huhuhu

aku......walau banyak peluang atau pilihan, kalau tak nak curang, takkan curangnya. kalau memang nak curang, walau cuma ada satu peluang akan tetap curang juga...takde kena mengena dangan cantik atau tidak...

itu kata aku...kau orang aku tak tau la...

if anything can go wrong...

Pernah tak rasa sometimes macam semua benda berpakat to make your life hell…hari yang semua benda tak berjalan seperti yang kita rancang.

Semalam, aku ada kelas Technical Writing, dengan section C16. kelas di Blok V…dan blok V ni agak tidak condusive untuk PnP…maka everytime aku ada kelas kat situ, ie: Monday and Thursday, aku kena buat extra preparation.

aku ke kelas hari Isnin, 9am. Biasa la, ada students yang dah sampai, ada yang berjalan macam bersiar2 kat beach, bila nampak kereta aku baru nak berlari …konon2 nak sampai sebelum aku sampai…hehehe…aku saja je malas nak lumba 100meter dengan dia orang, bagi chance…Monday morning kan…so…aku keluar dari kereta dan berjalan dengan santainya ke bilik kuliah 38…aku sampai sama dengan mereka yang berlari tu…mereka dengan termengah2 dan tersengih2 ucap…morning madam…aku jawab…morning gentlemen…

aku planned nak tunjukkan beberapa sample multimedia presentation sebagai contoh untuk mereka, sebab mereka pun kena buat something similar untuk assessment mereka. Aku tahu, bilik kuliah tu tak de speaker, so awal2 aku dah pinjam speaker dari bahagian technical pusat bahasa…

aku terus on kan computer, sambungkan speaker, etc…everything was working just fine except for the computer screen…terpaksa la some of the boys tengok2 what was wrong…

Typical…kata aku dalam hati…

murphy’s law…tambah minda aku

what law…madam?...tanya salah seorang students …

Boink!!! You heard that?..kata aku

Yup…jawab mereka sambil tersenyum….

thinking aloud ya madam…kata mereka lagi…pagi2 buta dah nak kenakan aku…

yea…kata aku…I do think sometimes you know…

hahaha…ketawa mereka…at least they’re awake

ok…Murphy’s law…kata aku…

aku yakin mereka tak pernah dengar pasal hukum Murphy ni…so dengan confidentnya aku bertanya...You do know what Murphy’s Law is, don’t you?

Nope…jawab mereka…

No kidding!!! Kata aku…buat2 terkejut…

Maka aku pun explain kepada mereka tentang Murphy’s Law…

’if anything can go wrong, it will…’

you know…like…the day you forgot to bring your notes would be the day your lecturer wants to check the notes…or the day I lambat pergi kelas , masa tu la I will bump into my boss kat hallway…huhuu…yea…I think they got my meaning…

By that time, the boys pun dah berjaya fixed the screen…I continued the lesson, nanti tak tercapai pulak objectivenya…no doubt, the students akan guna alasan Murphy’s Law ni untuk every screw-ups they will ever do in the future…makhluk perosak rupanya aku ni…

aku cuma nak share some info tentang Murphy’s Law ni…

It was named after Capt. Edward A. Murphy, an engineer working on Air Force Project MX981, (a project) designed to see how much sudden deceleration a person can stand in a crash.

One day, after finding that a transducer was wired wrong, he cursed the technician responsible and said,
"If there is any way to do it wrong, he'll find it."
The contractor's project manager kept a list of "laws" and added this one, which he called Murphy's Law.

Actually…if anything can go wrong, it will…bukanlah sesuatu yang baru…ia hukum alam yang dah lama ada, Cuma sebelum ni tak de nama je…dan selalunya ia akan berlaku pada waktu yang kita paling tak perlukannya...kan????

More murphy’s laws for you…

If anything can go wrong, it will
At the most inopportune time
Extension: it will be all your fault, and everyone will know it.

If there is a possibility of several things going wrong, the one that will cause the most damage will be the one to go wrong
Extreme version:If there is a possibility of several things going wrong, the one that will cause the most damage will be the FIRST to go wrong

If anything just cannot go wrong, it will anyway

If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something

Whenever you set out to do something, something else must be done first.

You will always find something in the last place you look.

If your looking for more than one thing, you'll find the most important one last.

It is never in the last place you look.
It is in the first place you look, but never discovered on the first attempt.

When a broken appliance is demonstrated for the repairman, it will work perfectly.

Whether things can go wrong or not, it depends on your frame of reference.
Regardless of your frame of reference, things will go wrong anyway.

When you see light at the end of the tunnel, the tunnel will cave in.
another version The light at the end of the tunnel is a train

Traffic is inversely proportional to how late you are, or are going to be.

Two heads are better than one, even if one is a sheep head.

Behind every little problem there's a larger problem, waiting for the little problem to get out of the way.

Nature always sides with the hidden flaw
The hidden flaw never stays hidden for long.

Murphy's Law of Thermodynamics
Things get worse under pressure.

The Murphy Philosophy
Smile . . . tomorrow will be worse.

Murphy's golden rule:
whoever has the gold makes the rules.

Don't worry about Murphy's Law, you know it's gonna happen anyway, so just get on with it and get it over with!

The humor of Murphy's Law leaves you laughing at the end of the day.
If you make it through a Murphy Day...you win!

adapted from: http://www.murphys-laws.com/murphy/murphy-laws.html

and your point is???...

Dentist???...scary!!!..itu lah orang punya perception tentang dentist. Some would rather get hit by a train than face the dentist…aku pun sama.

Tapi…setelah minda aku berdebat dengan emosi selama beberapa hari, akhirnya minda menangsurprised juga aku…sebab selalunya my mind would not stand a chance against my emotion…well, aku putuskan, minda berjaya mengatasi emosi kali ini dengan logic yang tak boleh aku sangkal…the only person standing between you and the end of toothache is you!!! Huh…tak terbidas emosi…

aku pun buat appointment dengan dentist aku…Saturday…9am… kalau dah buat appointment tu…terpaksalah beranikan diri untuk pergi…huhuhu.

The image that came to my mind was not pretty…aku terbayang watak dalam Texas Chainsaw Massacre…aku imagine dentist tu pegang chainsaw…imaginasi aku memang suka buat kerja overtime...itulah akibat terlalu banyak baca buku Stephen King...in actual fact, the dentist was a very pretty Indian lady.

anyway…Aku pergi untuk buat root canal treatment…RCT short form nya…agak complicated untuk aku ceritakan… but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be…

aku hampir tergelak bila dentist tu berkata…’this is going to hurt a bit’…

typical…kata hati aku…doctors memang suka buat understatement macam tu

maybe that’s one of the things they teach in medical school…you know…

these are some of the phrases you might want to use before you start inflicting pain on your patients…
# 1… this might hurt a bit…
# 2…saya akan curahkan iodine atas luka ni…tahan sikit ok makcik…

kedua2nya bermaksud ‘this will bloody well hurt…so bear with it’…and it did hurt…for like..2 seconds…hehehe...the rest was a breeze…


dari mana datangnya perception ini?

Of course dari masyarakat sekeliling dan mungkin juga dari pengalaman2 lepas. Kesian dentists…mereka diibaratkan seperti evil monsters sedangkan mereka sama saja dengan medical practioners yang lain. Most probably, kalau diberi pilihan between going to the dentist and having an appendix operation, ramai yang akan memilih operation…

True…you’re unconscious and you wouldn’t know what went on…whereas you could actually hear and feel the dentist pulling out your tooth or drilling into your roots…

but you could die on the operating table…you’re unconscious, there’s a whole lot of blood coming out of your body…you might never wake up…still it’s preferable to being on the dentist’s chair…go figure.

A change of paradigm is called for…break away from the common perception. Seperti kata seorang sahabat…kita perlu keluar dari kepompong pemikiran .

Jangan bayangkan the worst case scenario tiap kali terpaksa berdepan dengan situasi yang tidak menyenangkan… we won’t know what it’s like or how something will be until we actually face it…ikut la Khalid al Walid…belum cuba belum kalah.

Maka, kita perlu berani mencuba…be proactive…take control of your own destiny…mungkin the outcome bukan seteruk yang kita bayangkan…jangan biarkan hidup kita sentiasa dihantui oleh perkataan ‘what if’...

Or you can start practise menggigit jari...huhuhu…

aku ; to get rid of our fear, we have to face it…twice.

I Desire, Therefore I am.

Kali ini aku tulis pasal aku…wanita scorpio…info nya aku adapt dari beberapa website…bukan plagiarized tau…adapted…baca dan buat conclusion sendiri…

Yeah, I could identify with most of it…huhuhu…kalau aku bukan scorpio, sure takut nak berkawan dengan wanita scorpio…terlalu extreme…anyway..here it is…the naked truth about the scorpio woman.

Scorpio is the emotional dynamo of the Zodiac. It is the most mysterious and intense sign of the zodiac.

A Scorpio woman is...

one of mystery -- part tomboy, part femme fatale.

an old-fashioned individual - loyal and courageous.

a blunt and fearless character, doing everything passionately from the depths of her heart. She is passionate with everything that is related to her.

exceptionally beautiful, mysterious and provocatively magnetic. She knows that and is proud of herself.

has an ability to penetrate into the very essence of another person’s being. She has been endowed with a pair of the most piercing of eyes to achieve that purpose!

gives everything. She can be demanding but is equally demanding of herself.
never seems to age but grows in wisdom and maturity.

can be extremely secretive by nature;

can be a very trusted friend

she can be a most fearsome enemy.

Does not have neutral feelings. Either she will deeply cherish or fiercely hate. Her anger is very bad and it's better to get out of her way when it gets out of hand.
never takes a superficial view of life;

never accept something at face value.

Views love as a bond which touches the soul, and no secrets. No secrets mean that she expects honesty of character.

will be so brutally honest that, at times, she may hurt people in the process.

seems to be very practical, but inside she is very emotional. she will not see any viewpoint in case of her own emotions.

has a lot of compassion, which usually comes from her own propensity to torment herself.

Is not afraid of ugliness, internal or external, because to Scorpio dark and light makes life interesting.

can't stand a hypocrite, the person who lives in pretence, the person who hasn't the strength to face himself.

can be pretty scornful, and pretty scathing, if she feels let down.
has a keen sense of justice which is sensitive and is virtually inflexible. It is a powerful, gut-level, emotional reaction to any situation where she feels she's been abused and treated wrongly.

is capable of sacrificing completely her own desires and opinions, if she thinks you’re right
hates being betrayed . if she feels betrayed, she's more likely to strike back than to turn the other cheek.

Therefore…patience and mildness are not qualities which you should be trying to find in Scorpio. It's good basic, primitive stuff - eye for an eye, and all that. Never maliciously, or with cruelty. Just enough to teach you a lesson.

Does it sound a little hair-raising? Hehehe…you bet
So…can you handle it???

that was yesterday

aku baca blog Dr Sam...tajuknya 'goodbye yesterday'. it reminded me of this song...that was yesterday nyanyian kumpulan foreigner...one of my favourute groups during the 80s...along with Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, Whitesnake, Phill Collins, U2, etc...masa aku kat university dulu......aku sebenarnya peminat slow rock...especially 80s punya rock... i think most of you who read my blog weren't born yet at that time...hehehe... aku masih simpan lagi koleksi piring hitam aku...u all tahu ke piring hitam tu apa...hahaha...

anyway...aku rasa lagu ni sesuai because it sums up 2008 for me...

video - top left...kalau tak perasan la...


I, thought I knew you well
But all this time
I could never tell
I, let you get away
Haunts me every night and every day

You, were the only one
The only friend that I counted on
How, could I watch you walk away
I'd give anything to have you here today

But now,
I stand alone with my pride
And dream,
that you're still by my side

But that was yesterday
I had the world in my hands
But it's not the end of my world
Just a slight change of plans

That was yesterday
But today life goes on
No more hiding in yesterday
Cause yesterday's gone,

Love, my love I gave it all
Thought I saw the light
when I heard you call

Life, that we both could share
Has deserted me,
left me in despair

But now,
I stand alone with my pride
Fighting back the tears,
I never let myself cry

But that was yesterday
Love was torn from my hands
But it's not the end of my world
Just a little hard to understand

That was yesterday
But today life goes on
You won't find me in yesterday's world
Now yesterday's gone

Goodbye yesterday
Now it's over and done
Still I hope somewhere deep in your heart
Yesterday will live on...
