Salam and good day. 

It's the end of July/ early August, and my tuberose is blooming. Go figure. Despite its name, tuberose is not actually a rose. I just felt like quoting Shakespeare, that's all.

I'm a tiny bit confused with the flowering season of this flower. Last year, it bloomed sometime in November/ December, this year, it's July/ August. Next year... March/April?

Regardless of when they decide to show up, I'm glad they did at all. I simply love the smell ... so soft and slightly musky, a bit similar to Jasmine and the Bakawali / Queen of the Night

And, like the Bakawali, The scent of the tuberose is also often associated with the presence of spirits and ghosts... yea... I don't know about that. However, if you suddenly get a whiff of a tuberose scent while walking in a dark deserted alley, in the middle of the night ... you should run, love... even if you don't believe in ghosts ... just run.
